Pentax K-x, DA 18-55 II
Well I've got my body situation sorted out for now, at least on the digital side. Traded my 50/1.2 that wasn't really seeing use for a D3200.
This gives me the D200 for rough weather/speed/long-lens shooting and the D3200 for low-light/light carry/high-resolution shooting. Or I can carry both if needed, the D3200 is light enough to just toss in the bag.
This does mirror my old D300/D40 pairing, except now the little body is the high-IQ body instead of vice versa. I can live with that for this fall & winter and when next spring comes hopefully Nikon will have answered the 7D Mark II release with a D300s successor. If not, there will be either a used D800 or a refurb/new D7100 replacing the D200 as a main body (I intend on keeping the D200 as a beater/rough weather body).
In terms of lenses, I am very happy with the Sigma 10-20 and 35/1.8DX. The 16-85's OK for now. The tele/macro situation needs sorting out. I'm considering either acquiring the 85/1.8G and reacquiring the Sigma 105/2.8 OS Macro, or reacquiring the Nikkor 85/3.5 Micro. The former gets me two outstanding FF lenses, the second is a lot cheaper, smaller and will probably handle my needs for the foreseeable future. Needless to say I'm leaning towards the 85 Micro. Aside from that, if I decide to stay DX as my primary (and I'm leaning strongly that way) I'll most likely replace the 16-85 with a Sigma 17-50/2.8 OS at some point, and add a telezoom, either the 70-300VR or a 70-200/4 VR and a TC14EIII. I'm inclined to the latter as it's sealed and better, but it's more money. Not a huge deal since I wouldn't be buying either before next May.