Sony A7 II, FE 28-70 f3.5-5.6 OSS
In 2020 I hope to concentrate on the sort of gear I've long ignored. Specifically non-system specific accessories like building up a proper square filter system (or two), improving my camera support systems and revisiting my bag setup.
Specifically I need a good 85mm square filter system for ND's and ND grads, likely will try and leverage my Cokin holders but I probably will also need to invest in a 100mm or 150mm system once I acquire a good modern UWA.
In terms of camera support, I currently have a good ultralight setup in my Manfrotto 290 and a small Sirui head. I need to upgrade the head on my main legs to an Arca-Swiss design (likely a larger Sirui unit) and also want to acquire a Platypod Ultra (plus head) for low-angle and odd surface shooting (they're cheap and really cool little units)
And in the case of bags & carry gear I need at least 2 and probably 3 new bags. First off my Domke that I use as a briefcase and street carry setup needs replacing. It's old, worn out & doesn't fit my kit. I'll need a new one that can handle my work laptop, my usual street setup (body plus 2-3 small lenses) and a lunchbag. I also need a small backpack for day hikes which can carry my system, tripod and food/water/jacket and eventually a larger pack for longer hikes and overnighting. I also want a Cotton Carrier or Peak Design clip setup so I can hike with my camera clipped on my chest for easy access.
On lenses, I'm planning on rounding out my current Nikon manual focus kit, which is 24, 28, 35, 50, 55 macro, 105, 200 and 300 right now. Need something wider (or two somethings), plus a couple gaps filled in the mid-telephoto range (either side of 105). I also need to expand my AF setup, which right now is just the 28-70. Eventually that will be a full kit, likely a mix of adapted Canon EF glass and native FE glass. Not sure exactly how it will look, but a 18, 20 or 21mm prime plus a 70-200/4L non-IS will be the start of it, after that I'll expand as needed.I may get the Commlite F mount adapter to see how AF F mount kit works via that adapter.
As to bodies, nothing planned, although the right deal on a Z6, S1 or A7III might tempt me around bonus time to expand my system. I just can't justify a high-MP body for my current uses, much as I'd like one (we'll see when I start seeing A7RII's below $1200CDN). I really would like to end the year shooting much of the same stuff I started it with. The good thing about most of my system being F mount right now is that the body doesn't really matter as long as I have a workable adapter, only one of my lenses is native and it would stay with the A7II anyways.
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