Sony A7 II, FE 28-70 f3.5-5.6 OSS
So 2019 is a wrap, and where am I photographically?
I started the year off in a dead spot, I'd sold my A7II in fall 2018 and basically didn't shoot anything until the beginning of February 2019. At that point I sold my Zeiss 85/1.4 ZF.2 and used the money to (briefly) acquire a D7100 to try and kickstart my shooting. I quickly discovered that as a everyday camera it just didn't work and returned it and got a Fuji X-T1 and 16-50 instead. That got me out & shooting steadily until late spring. It was a great little kit, but shooting dropped off through May, June & July as conditions moved from the sort of weather that was best for Street to more landscape like conditions and I got bogged down with work. I did shoot around 2200 shots with the X-T1 and got some great results.
At the end of July I traded my Fuji kit in on a Olympus E-M5II and some lenses, that triggered me to get out and shoot more, and to do more nature & landscape work, triggering one of the most productive photographic periods I've had and I took around 7800 images between late July and the end of October. However I was still not entirely happy with what I was getting from the body and decided to make a fourth system shift and sold the Olympus stuff to acquire another A7II, this time with the kit 28-70 OSS lens. While I'd not entirely bonded with the A7II when I owned it in 2018, this time things went somewhat smoother and I've shot as much with it as I did with the X-T1 in my first two months of ownership, around 1600 images. I intend to keep the A7II for the near future and slowly build out my kit.
So where does that leave my Goals for 2019
1. Way more than 365 images produced. I still have 250+ curated images in my to be edited collection. Rating: Exceeded
2. Average daily views on Flickr are floating just below 2000, I'm very active on Fred Miranda. Rating: Successful
3. So many new locations photographed that I lost count by the end of August. Rating: Wildly Successful
And the 11526 images in my library exceed the goal of 7220 images by more than 50%. Rating: Wildly Successful.
Additionally, with 16 images for 2019 in Flickr Explore, I set a new personal best (beating the 14 I had in 2007)
So all in all, a very successful year for me photographically.
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